[AJA 2021 KEYNOTE 1] Enhancing self-healing mechanisms through Integrative Medicine practices in the treatment of pain

This lecture examines the strengths and characteristics of Korean medicine, which include its holistic approach and focus on enhancing the innate self-healing power of the body. The integrative treatment medicine model using conventional and Korean medicine employed at Jaseng is introduced, and of various Chuna techniques, special focus is placed on explanation and demonstration of cervical Non-Resistance Technique, which is used to treat severe functional disability and restricted movement of the cervical spine.

Recorded Video

Starting date

November 21, 2021 


Joon-Shik Shin


0.5 CPD


45 minutes


$ 20


Learning Objectives

CME Credits

[Shinbaro herbal medicine] A recent SR reported that devil’s claw, also used in Shinbaro herbal medicine, is effective for treating spinal pain.

[MSAT] The analgesic effect of acupuncture treatment is well known, and MSAT is particularly effective in recovery of functional disability by combining acupuncture treatment with active or passive exercise, and studies report positive results for trapezius muscle and neck pain and functional restriction.

[Chuna - Non-Resistance Technique] Among Chuna techniques, Non-Resistance Technique is a technique that relieves the muscles of conscious resistance, and the lecture includes a detailed explanation of the treatment method with demonstration.
*Determine how a Korean medicine approach using herbal medicine, Motion Style Acupuncture Treatment (MSAT), and Chuna manual medicine to neck pain management may help improve patient care
*Analyze and interpret the clinical research data on Korean medicine treatment for neck pain management, its effectiveness, and evidence to support its use in practice
*Consider the applicability of Korean medicine treatments to disorders such as low back pain, shoulder pain, and facial palsy in addition to neck pain
The following is activity is accredited to provide the following credits: 
  • 0.5 APHRA CPD hours

Faculty and disclosure

Joon-Shik Shin

  • PhD, Korean Medicine, 1999
    Kyung Hee Graduate School of Korean Medicine, Seoul, Korea
  • MS, Korean Medicine, 1995
    Kyung Hee Graduate School of Korean Medicine, Seoul, Korea
  • KMD, Korean Medicine, 1988
    Kyung Hee University School of Korean Medicine, Seoul, Korea 
  • President (Since 2010) Korean Medicine Hospitals' Association
  • Vice President (Since 2008) World Federation of Traditional Chinese Orthopedics
  • Director (Since 2008) K.J.Choi (PGA Tour Golfer) Foundation
  • Chairman (Since 2000) Korean Society of Korean Medicine in Anti-Aging
  • Founder & Chairman (Since 1999) Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine
  • Chairman (since 1991 ~ 2012) Korean Society of Chuna Manual Medicine for Spine & Nerves

    Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science (Korean Medicine), Pusan National University
    Honorary Degree of Doctor of Science, Michigan State University, USA
  • -Korea-
  • Awarded the Presidential Commendation at ‘Medical Korea 2019’
  • Awarded the Presidential Commendation (Order of Civil Merit, Peony Medal)
  • Awarded the Minister of Health and Welfare Commendation at
  • ‘2014 Medical Korea Global Health Care Awards
  • Awarded the Grand Prize in Public Health Field at the 7th Korea Health Industry Awards
  • Awarded the Grand Prize in Korean Medicine Field at the Korea Health Industry Awards
  • Awarded the Outstanding Leadership Award by Dale Carnegie Training Korea
  • Awarded the Ministry of Health and Welfare Commendation
  • Awarded the Presidential Commendation (Order of Civil Merit, Camellia Medal)
  • Awarded the Presidential Commendation (Civil Merit Medal)
  • Awarded the Ministry of Health and Welfare Commendation

Joon-Shik Shin KMD, Ph.D has disclosed no relevant financial relationships to this activity.

Planners, Reviewers and Editors

Jinho Lee, KMD

In-Hyuk Ha, KMD
Meriong Kim, KMD
Seungmin Kathy Lee, KMD

Young-suk Yoon, KMD
Jinhun Park, KMD

Andrew Jang, L.Ac

Ju Seok Lee

The planners, reviewers, and editors have disclosed no relevant financial relationships to this activity.


Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine requires every individual in a position to control educational content to disclose all financial relationships with ineligible companies that have occurred within the past 24 months. Ineligible companies are organizations whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

All relevant financial relationships for anyone with the ability to control the content of this educational activity are listed below and have been mitigated according to Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine policies. Others involved in the planning of this activity have no relevant financial relationships. 


The opinions and ideas expressed in this educational activity are solely those of the faculty and are not necessarily endorsed by, nor do they necessarily reflect, those of their affiliated institution(s) or Jaseng Medical Academy. Clinical judgment must guide each physician in weighing the possible risks and benefits of any diagnostics, interventions, or treatments discussed. Physicians should review manufacturers’ product information and consider these along with the recommendations of other authorities when applying the assessment and/or clinical management strategies discussed in this activity to their patients.

CME Information

CME Accreditation Statement

Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

Jaseng Hospital of Korean Medicine designates this enduring material for a maximum of 0.5 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit(s) commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Discussion of Off-Label Uses and Investigational Products

During the course of their presentation(s), the faculty may mention the use of the product(s) that have not been approved for the indication(s) being discussed. All faculty are instructed to notify when they are discussing unapproved uses or investigational agents. In addition, relevant slides will include notation of the off-label use or investigational agent being discussed. Views presented related to unapproved uses of products are solely those of the faculty and are not endorsed by, nor do they reflect, those of Jaseng Medical Academy.

Statement of Independence

CME activities of Jaseng Medical Academy are developed and conducted in accordance with the ACCME's Essential Areas and Policies. It is the mission of Jaseng Medical Academy to develop and present CME and other educational activities in the field of Complementary and Alternative Medicine that are timely, balanced, scientifically rigorous, and that serve to improve competency, performance, and patient outcomes. To that end, we welcome your comments on areas of needs and/or gaps in your medical practice and how to better serve your needs.

Questions? If you have questions about this activity, please email jaseng.education@jaseng.co.kr or call us at +82-2-2222-2792.

Refunds and Cancelations


If you paid for an individual course and it is not what you were expecting, you can request a refund within 14 days of your payment. You are not eligible for a refund if you’ve completed 50% or more of the course, earned a course certificate, or 14 days have passed since your payment. However, if a course you purchased is disabled for legal or policy reasons, or in cases of system error, you are entitled to request a refund beyond the 14-day limit.

This activity is designed to be completed within the time designated on the title page; physicians should claim only those credits that reflect the time spent in the activity. To successfully earn credit, participants must complete the activity online during the valid credit period that is noted on the title page. 


During the course of their presentation(s), the faculty may mention the use of the product(s) that have not been approved for the indication(s) being discussed. All faculty are instructed to notify when they are discussing unapproved uses or investigational agents. In addition, relevant slides will include notation of the off-label use or investigational agent being discussed. Views presented related to unapproved uses of products are solely those of the faculty and are not endorsed by, nor do they reflect, those of Jaseng Medical Academy.

CME Instructions

There is a variable fee for participating in or receiving credit for this online educational activity. 

This activity is designed to be completed within the time designated on the title page; physicians should claim only those credits that reflect the time spent in the activity. To successfully earn credit, participants must complete the activity online during the valid credit period that is noted on the title page. 

Follow the steps to earn CME/CE Credits:

1. Read the title page, overview and description, learning objectives, and author disclosure

2. Complete and view all education content

3. Complete the pre-test, post-test, and evaluation survey to provide feedback on the program. (Tests are not graded)

4. You may view, print, and download your certificate on your dashboard.

Credits will be tallied in your CME/CE Tracker and archived for 6 years; at any point within this time period, you can print out the tally as well as the certificates from the CME/CE Tracker.